Stephen Eubank is deputy director and a tenured professor, the Department of Public Health Sciences. Eubank has previously researched fluid turbulence, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, time series analysis of markets (as a founder of Prediction Company), natural language processing (as a Visiting Scientist at ATR in Kyoto, Japan), and simulations of large interaction-based systems. As a staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Eubank played a leading role in the development of the traffic microsimulation component of the Transportation Analysis and Simulation System (TRANSIMS), developed the Epidemiological Simulation System(EpiSims) project, and served as team leader for the Urban Infrastructure Suite (UIS), of which both TRANSIMS and EpiSims are parts. UIS is a collection of interoperable simulations of interacting infrastructures, each of which simulates the behavior of every individual in a large urban region. The goal of UIS is to model the dynamics of systems including both physical and social components. Eubank joined the Biocomplexity Institute of Virginia Tech in January 2005 and pursued interests both in developing advanced technology for the study of realistic socio-technical systems and also in understanding how the dynamics of diffusive processes on networks, such as disease transmission, are related to the structure of the underlying networks. Eubank also serves as the Principal Investigator for one of the research groups that form the National Institute of Health's MIDAS (Modeling Infectious Disease Agent Study) network.
- Research Interests
Simulating large socio-technical systems, computational epidemiology, scaling in complex systems, and network structure and graph theory.
- Education
Swarthmore College, B.A. Physics, 1979
University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D. Physics, 1986
Los Alamos National Lab, Nonlinear Dynamics, Postdoctoral Associate, 1991
La Jolla Institute, Fluid Turbulence, Postdoctoral Associate, 1987t.