Topic: A Smorgasbord of Epidemiological Insights from India
Upcoming Events
Calendar of Events
Topic: Frameworks for Realistic Modeling and Analysis of Power Grids
Topic: Finding Super-spreaders in Network Cascades
From Modeling to Practice: Outcomes from Modeling-Informed COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies for Effective Outbreak Prevention during the Tokyo and Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games
October 20, 2023 9:30am - 3:00pm (ET)
This 2-Day Event will be held Oct. 19-20, 2023.
Topic: Healthy Choices: Understanding and influencing health decision-making to improve health, increase equity, and improve performance.
Topic: Strengthening the Refugee-Supporting Ecosystem by Focusing on the "Public" within Data Science for Public Good
Topic: Community Analytics and the Value of University/City Partnerships
Topic: The Forces Shaping the Digital Planet and Our Journey from a Physical Past to a Digital Future