S.S. Ravi
Research Professor

S.S. Ravi is a research professor at the Biocomplexity Institute and a distinguished teaching professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University at Albany-SUNY.


Research Interests

Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Mining, Wireless Networks, Operations Research, Discrete Dynamical Systems, Fault-Tolerant Computing, Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)


University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Penn., Computer Science, Ph.D., 1984. Thesis Title: “Heuristics for PLA Folding: An Analytical Approach.” Thesis Advisor: Professor Errol L. Lloyd. 
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Penn., Computer Science, M.S., 1981. 
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Automation (Computer and Control Engineering), M.E., 1979. 
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Electronics and Communication Engineering, B.E., 1977. 
Bangalore University, Bangalore, India, Physics, B.Sc. (Honors), 1974