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2021 Joint Statistical Meetings

Spatiotemporal Modeling of Career Pathways

Date: Sunday, August 8, 2021 | 1:30 PM to 3:20 PM

Authors: Aritra Halder, Joshua Randall Goldstein, Joanna Schroeder, and Sallie Keller

Sponsor: Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security

Abstract: Organizations are generally structured hierarchically such that employed individuals with increasing knowledge, skills, and abilities are able to navigate between positions. From the perspective of the organization, this produces career pathways and trajectories for employed individuals subject to various professional constraints which require modeling. An ideal predictive framework to model these transitions should consider individual characteristics and quantify unobserved risks that the employee faces from various sources. In this work, we construct such a framework for Army veterans with the aim of modeling their career trajectories on exiting military service, using resume data provided by Burning Glass Technologies. The time horizon considered for modeled pathways is 10 years. The spatial domain is restricted to include the District of Columbia, the state of Maryland, and Virginia. We propose a Bayesian multinomial logistic model for transitions between states, while accounting for risks conferred from spatial and temporal sources. We present extensive synthetic experiments documenting the efficacy of our algorithm and compare results to existing modeling frameworks.

Watch the presentation here.