big data schematic

Project Details

Funding Agency

National Science Foundation, USDA, Washington State University

We envision a long-term symbiotic partnership between AI, Ag, and human systems to produce sustained agricultural productivity to meet future food demands. This partnership will also transform how AI systems are built for complex societal problems in the real world. The AI Institute for Transforming Workforce and Decision Support (AgAID) has a mission to develop and foster this partnership. They aspire to create a transdisciplinary ecosystem for technology innovation and knowledge transfer.


Project Overview

Our team is involved in the Water Intelligence thrust of this project. Wise stewardship and management of water resources can be facilitated by answering two key questions where human factors are pronounced. How does precipitation translate to spatiotemporal water availability? How can we optimize water allocation to make it available when and where it's most needed?

We have begun multiple projects to approach these questions from several directions. We are developing models to improve streamflow forecasting to understand the spatiotemporal availability of water, machine learning methods to predict which fields are followed to gain insight into water needs and decisions, and developing new satellite-imagery based spatially explicit data products of snowmelt period, snow-off data, snow water equivalent and soil moisture. These will be critical inputs for models.

In other projects, we are analyzing the VIC-CropSyst model to understand how climatic changes might trigger phase shifts in water availability and crop yields. We are working to evaluate the accuracy of seasonal forecasts available in the IBM PAIRS platform for our region of interest and reviewing the uses of AI and agent-based modeling for agricultural water use.