A Growing Contagion Science Team
Dr. Venkataswamy and Dr. Dola will bring expertise in Computer Engineering and Computer Science expertise to the Contagion Science team. Their experience will support large computational efforts.
Dr. Swaroopa Dola joined the Contagion Science Program as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Biocomplexity Institute’s NSSAC Division. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a Masters degree and a PhD in Computer Engineering. Her research interests include software engineering, deep neural networks, and generative models. Her prior research involved developing methods to test deep neural networks using the input data distribution as a domain for testing. Swaroopa also has experience working in software test automation and framework development.
Dr. Venkataswamy (Vana) joined the Contagion Science Program as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Biocomplexity Institute’s NSSAC Division. Like Swaroopa, Vana is a graduate from UVA. Advised by Dr, Andrew Grimshaw, she received her PhD from the from the Department of Computer Science. Her research interests include Cloud Computing, Resource Management, and Reinforcement Learning. Her graduate research focused on efficient job scheduling in power-modulated (green) data centers using Online and Offline Reinforcement Learning methods. Previously, Vana worked on grid computing technologies including Globus, Genesis II and XSEDE(now ACCESS) projects.