We forecast social, health, and infrastructure outcomes by modeling complex scenarios

How can we best fight infectious disease outbreaks? When will a social media protest become a civil crisis? We investigate large-scale biological, social, and technological systems at play in the world. By simulating scenarios of unfolding situations, we provide insights to help decision-makers refine science-based responses. In the process, we produce high-tech tools and foundational knowledge that advance the science of biocomplexity.

digital twins
Research Spotlight: Digital Twins

From contagions to natural disasters, power grid planning to elections, researchers are increasingly relying on sophisticated computational models to improve planning, response, and decision-making for a wide range of scenarios. Using high-performance computing, the Biocomplexity Institute can develop highly accurate synthetic replicas or “digital twins” of population sets throughout the world. This data has unlocked the ability of officials at the local level to the White House to better understand and respond to some of the world’s most complex problems.

Focus Areas

We apply our computational modeling tools and combined expertise to tackle a broad swath of issues affecting human life – from improving disaster resiliency in city infrastructures to identifying previously unknown organisms in our environments and bodies.

Hand putting over wooden cube block with light bulb icon on many people together having an idea symbolized by icons on cubes
We develop computational simulations that explain what motivates human behavior and forecast the effects of public policies on communities.
 People receiving humanitarian aid packages during an emergency situation
We analyze how multitudes of networks – from social media to transportation – interact in society and devise methods to transform these processes.
Modern microscope with digital imaging system in the lab
We develop tools to distill vast medical and ecological data and share them with research scientists, healthcare professionals and policymakers.
Asian Patient Lady Signing Papers With Doctor In Hospital

In any public health crisis, timely knowledge is power.

African ethnicity scientists studying DNA samples

DNA nucleotide information is transcribed into RNA, stabilized by molecular folding.

Understanding Large-Scale Networks

Researchers studied the complexity arising from large-scale networks.

Silhouette of hands holding cogs and gears

The complexity of an interacting system also arises from its "shape", i.e., its topological complexity.

Catching Up With the Front Runners

Vast amounts of data, generated through almost every aspect of living, offer an unprecedented opportunity to improve the health, well

African American couple walking hand in hand along the street in Washington DC

Advances in information technology, computation, and statistics now make it possible to access, integrate, and analyze massive amount

Crowd walking over binary code

Official Statistics, disseminated through Federal Statistical Systems, provide vast amounts of demographic and economic information a