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Scientist writing formulas on glass

Our Approach

Team Science

Our team science approach to solving problems means we work across silos because every problem in human life involves interacting systems too complex for any one scientific discipline to tackle. Our research teams breach disciplinary boundaries, merging the perspectives and skill sets of a broad range of scientists. While our backgrounds are divergent, underlying all of our work is a formal, computational approach toward a common goal: solving complex problems for humanity.

Infinitesimal and Infinite

Our well-being as humans results from a complex interaction of systems. For example, sickness may manifest on the molecular level. But our experiences, economic structures, transportation infrastructure, environmental conditions and policy all play a role. So in our research we investigate human life on every level, observing the interactions between these systems.

Our Approach

It's All Connected

Like the human life we study, our Institute is a complex system of interacting parts. All of the work we do connects, and the mathematical tools we build to help us understand the grammar of life on the molecular level may help our statisticians understand the social condition of people in a local community.

Solving People's Problems

The purposeful problems posed to us by decision-makers drive our research programs. Our ability to suggest solutions depends on our theoretical pursuits and our discoveries, as we respond to urgent needs in society. Often, our work may lead to the advancement of science within our disciplines, as well as the science of biocomplexity itself.